jeff post

post by jeff



Test large images

Testing :


Science Building Week of June 8

Crane was built this week.
These photos are taken every 10 minutes
video platform video management video solutionsvideo player

An FAQ for D2L Students

How to debug with Cookies in Safari

JW Player6 Test Quickstart


Video File URL, fileThe URL of the video. This can be a YouTube video, or can be hosted on Langara’s myMedia server


Image File URL, imageThis is the image that will appear on the video player when the page loads. Think of it as a splash image for the video.

Width and Height You can customize the size of the rectangle that appears on the page.

See the official README file


Why you need to sanitize database inputs

Finding the previous month using SQL

I needed to find a way to always select the date range of the previous month.

So if it’s January, I need to select rows with dates between Dec 1 and Dec 31 of the previous year.

If it’s February, I need to select dates with Jan 1 and Jan 31 of the previous year.

Here’s how to do it:

trunc(trunc(sysdate, ‘MM’) – 1, ‘MM’),
to_char(trunc(trunc(sysdate, ‘MM’) – 1, ‘MM’),’DD-MON-YYYY’) “First Day of Last Month”,
trunc(trunc(sysdate, ‘MM’) – 1),
to_char(trunc(sysdate, ‘MM’) – 1,’DD-MON-YYYY’) “Last Day of Last Month”
from dual ;

iPhone’s one button has a lot of functionality

Here’s a state diagram shows how complicated it really is:

Image by Andrew Durdin