Essay Questions

Your essays should each be about 1,200  words.  For a topic, choose a question from among those listed at the links below, or talk to me if you really want to write about something else.

For the essay format, read this.

For general advice about writing philosophy papers, read this.

Please type your essays, double spaced with a decent font size like 12 point.

Avoid long quotations generally, but if you think one needs to be included then make it a ‘block quotation’ (an indented paragraph, separate from your own writing).

I am not fussy about the exact format for citations, especially as most essays cite only one or two sources.  Make sure you have the author’s name, the title of the work, and page numbers if appropriate.  If you want to use a formal style then APA is the most common in philosophy journals.

Here are sample essays from former students (at UBC).  The first is pretty good, the second has more serious problems.  Sample 1   Sample 2.  Note that your essays should be shorter (1,200 words rather than 1,500) and on epistemology rather than ethics!


Essay #1  (These are the 2022 questions!)

Essay #2  (old questions, but they’ll give you a rough idea)